Sunday, August 28, 2011

Let the Blogging Adventure Begin!

   Hello Blogging World!  This is my last and greatest attempt in blogging, but I am looking forward to having my blog as a little "corner of the world" for me!  I love writing, so blogging should be a great waste of my time! :)  I am a newlywed, as in barely over a month!  I love married life, although our beginning to our married life isn't the norm - but what in our life is the norm?!  My husband is a "weekend warrior", but has been stationed about three hours from our home doing full-time duty since before our wedding in July! Although I have enjoyed being able to hog the television at home, and watch all the HGTV I want, I am so ready for him to be home to play "house" with me!  My husband won't be home for long though - we're adventuring upon our first deployment --  not anything we wanted or expected, but we are "grabbing the bull by the horn" and just conquering each little challenge!

   So, this blog is supposed to be about me and my ramblings.  As you can see, I'm doing an excellent job of ramblings, and not enough about me!  As I said before, I'm loving being a wife.  I am enjoying setting up our first place together, and trying new recipes.  In my spare time, I'm usually planning lessons for my third graders, or trying to keep this apartment clean.  I'm enjoying having time to read and watch all the tv a girl could want to watch, but I'm looking forward to joining the gym and getting my workout on.  My husband will be home in a few weeks, so that will make our social calendar a bit more busy as well - which makes me super excited!

   Sundays remind me to be so thankful for what I have...I've been realizing with this big hurricane that passed through, as well as just the chaos of my life how appreciative I am of my life and the people in it...(or maybe it's a sign that I'm getting old).  I'm thankful for:

my loving husband -- who works so hard to provide for us, and loves me all the while
my supportive family, and my in-laws -- they keep me grounded
our apartment -- safe, cozy, and perfect for us
my job -- the extra income is just enough
the good Lord -- who knows exactly what we know even when we aren't so sure
electricity -- never realized how much we rely on it
our comfy bed -- because I don't lose a wink of sleep in that thing!

With that said, my bed sounds really good!

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