Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back to Party of One

It's funny how we get so used to and complacent in our daily lives, until changes happen in our lives.  Having my husband gone this past week has made me realize and appreciate so much more how life is with a partner to help support, carry the weight, and help you stay afloat in the daily routine of life that can weigh us down.  Although I'm so thankful to have the companionship of our sweet puppy, I'm also constantly aware of her needs and what's best for her, when all I really want to do is lie on the couch, or run errands on my time, or not walk out in the rain to take her for a potty break.  I have realized lately that complaining only makes us smother ourselves in our own misery, while taking a more positive state of mind and putting our cares in the hands of the One who's in control can help ease our burdens and worries.  When I'm shopping about and hear ladies talking about how their husbands don't do this, or he does this and doesn't do it right -- it makes me laugh and smile at the same time (I've been there once or twice in our six months of marriage).  I laugh because we all find something to complain about, even if it is our husband helping do the laundry, yet forgetting to fold it just in time for us to get home from work (not naming names - ha) -- when we really should realize the efforts and gifts these efforts are to our daily lives.  Missing someone and getting back to being a party of one (even if it's for a short time) reminds me of how we are created to not walk alone, but rather with a partner to help us carry the burdens of this world and remind us to give our burdens to Jesus.

being silly on our honeymoon

I realize too that I'm on the better end of this deal with all the comforts of our home, family surrounding us, and being able to be surrounded in an environment I'm accustomed to.  Poor husband is sleeping in room with close to 50 other guys, and sharing a 6 stall bathroom with them as well!  Oh, the sacrifices our armed forces make for our freedoms -- whether we realize it or not.

Nutmeg (aka Puddles) is doing well and being super clingy this weekend.  She's loved our rainy walks around the neighborhood, and has been doing really great with discipline, even in her papa goose's presence.  I'm thinking a fun exploratory walk for her tomorrow (if its not still monsooning) would be great before my work week begins again.  Tomorrow will be grading and planning day -- and hopefully more practice driving our new car (the stick shift).  I'm really looking forward to the upcoming plans we have coming up -- visiting my sweet college girls (and one of their new additions to the family -- oh, baby love), and seeing one of my best friends who lives more than 6 hours away with her husband now! I'm definitely looking forward to that girl time!  I am so thankful for sweet local friends too that are willing to just come over with dinner and hang out with the pup and I, or meeting me up at the gym for a crazy aerobics class.

Speaking of aerobics, the workout plan has begun today -- my legs are already sore from my 40 minute/4 mile elliptical adventure.  I'm looking forward to spin class tomorrow -- and then an awesome aerobics class taught by an old totally-in-shape-and-flexible woman on Tuesday!  One of my girlfriends has convinced me to do a strength training program at the local YMCA, called ActivTrax, which pretty much sets up a daily workout plan for the strength training you'd like to accomplish in your workout.  I'm looking forward to the accountability of it, as well as helping me know what machines/weights to use to tone different areas of my body.  I have a feeling THAT will make me a sore lil puppy!

Posts to be looking forward to in the next couple weeks...Recovering a lampshade, Working with the new sewing machine, and Nutmeg and my adventures to see friends!



Friday, January 20, 2012

.stuck like glue - you and me, baby, we're stuck like glue.

We are almost through our first week of deployment, and thankfully the first work week!  I'm so happy it is Friday -- not just because the week has seemed long, but also because I'm exhausted (and probably fighting some kind of cold)!  N is doing well at his pre-deployment location, and will be moving on to more training before he crosses the ocean.  We're able to talk with one another whenever throughout the day right now, but that will be changing soon.  I am just so thankful to be married to such an awesome, considerate, and realistic guy!

Nutmeg has been doing pretty well.  She is enjoying taking her daddy's spot in bed, and snuggles with me constantly.  My mom has been checking on her on her lunch break on the days I work -- which is a huge blessing (and makes me not worry about her).  She's laying under my feet right now :)

Don't let that sweet face fool you though - she has gotten herself into some trouble...
Chewing her daddy's PS3 controller's charger wasn't the best idea!

So, I'm thinking I may have to start having theme days for blogging, such as Fabulous Friday.  So, here's the things I'm finding incredibly fabulous in my daily life right now...

...having the greatest puppy in the world to love on,

Fashion Ideas through Pinterest! students!

...awesome shampoo! awesome husband, our love,
and fabulous wedding photography by Dana Laymon Photography.



Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Many the miles...and I will follow you

Happy Wednesday!

After TWO days of waking up far too late after my alarm NEVER went off, and rushing to work in a fury, I am so happy it is almost the weekend.  This has been an emotional week anyway, with my husband's deployment, but, boy, having to adjust to life in a rushed way in the morning has made it even more challenging.  I've been staying busy -- reorganizing my classroom, seeking inspiration on the wonderful, addicting, time-sucking Pinterest.  I'm finding that adapting to this deployment so far is much like our time apart during his trainings, but I know when the phone calls come to a halt for a short time, that will be a little more challenging.

Our puppy is doing well -- adapting by having one of her grandmas check on her, playing with her mommy, and going on long walks.  I know she misses her daddy's snuggles and playtime though!  I'm finding it extremely therapeutic and beneficial to come home early from a long day in the classroom and just take her for a walk.  I'm looking forward to adding my workout routine into the mix next week - we'll see how those early morning wake-ups go!

My husband is doing well in his training -- but definitely looking forward to getting away from power-points and medical checks and on to much more exciting things.  In a way, I am sad because I'm missing out on one of the greatest adventures of his life!  I'm excited to see some of the scenes of what will become his "daily life" for a year through his pictures.  I just continue to pray for great people to surround him there, and that he will continue to be as positive as he has been.  He is one of the most amazing people I know -- not that I'm bias or anything.  He's so level headed and realistic, but at the same time so strong and caring.  I am so thankful to be given the opportunity to be his "right hand girl" and I cannot wait until we are back in the same place to continue the adventure of life.

Right now, my goals are to maintain a balanced lifestyle (not all work all the time); make time for the gym (yep, that's 15lbs by my birthday); be a pup mama as best I can; support, love, admonish, humor, and encourage my husband; and stay as realistic and as level-headed as can be during this deployment.  I'm greatly encouraged by the amazing people who have already been through deployments, and I hope we can continue to grow stronger through this adventure.  I'm continuing to pray for peace, wisdom, less tears, and love to exude out of us both.  I know it's going to be a long year, but I couldn't have ever imagined this life with any other man.  I'm so thankful for his sacrifices of daily life to serve our great country and be an ambassador of America.  I'm thankful that we've had experiences apart which have grown us stronger, and taught us both (esp. me) how to adapt to these changes and be a strong, independent wife.

With love,


Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Feelings Exactly...

In lieu of our departure tomorrow, and the beginning of a new stage of our lives, I found this very exact write-up of my feelings towards this deployment.  Just replace every time it says "girlfriend" with "wife", and include all the responsibilities of a working wife and puppy momma.

Our life is about to change, but we are ready for the adventure we have been given.  Prayers, and time to allow us to adapt are appreciated!  We are so thankful for our amazing friends and family -- and we know that they are here for us if ever we need them.



Thursday, January 12, 2012

Life Changes and Nutmeg Grows

We are on the brink of our deployment weekend!  We are both anticipating the changes in our lives, but also soaking in all the moments together as much as possible.  I had a cry session today -- just that the reality of it all has finally arrived.  I know we will be great and persevere through it all, but it is the separation after just getting married that makes my heart ache!  When you marry the person you love, you never imagine you'll be separated by something you cannot control -- I suppose that is God's way of reminding us who is really in control!  I am so thankful for sweet family and friends who are being so supportive, praying with us through this, and also allowing us space to have our time, adapt to the changes, and keep moving on through life!

I looked at my blog tonight and realized I have to update you all on how much Nutmeg has grown!  She is now capable of jumping on the couch, jumping down from the bed, pulling her bed around, and even being left alone in the house with the majority of the house opened up to her.  She's doing awesome with potty training and has been just a joy to have.  She licked my tears today during my cry session -- puppy love just really lifts your spirit (not to mention the husband's hugs!)!  Here's some pictures of her recent ventures....

Remember, she WAS this little...

First venture in the snow at grandpa's!

She LOVED it!

...her new sleeping position.

...just helping with dinner.

...tired after playing PS3 with daddy.

...he claims he's her favorite.

...she loves a pillow...

...and her bed.

her sun spot at the living room window

snoozing after playing in the snow at her grandpa's in CO

Looking forward to posting more of her growing up...and the husband's parting gift!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Awesome WalMart Find!

My sister-in-law had these super cute organizing shelves in her new place, and she informed me of the secret discovery at WalMart!  I was blown away and hadn't been able to find them until tonight!  After I convincing my husband I NEEDED wanted one, the $4.27 purchase was made!  SCORE!

Project Mania!

So before Nickoli leaves the life of cable tv, yummy home cooked food, and freedoms of life in general, we've been "project-ing".  Our projects have included some crafts for my classroom, our living room, bedroom, and just wall art!

We found an awesome project on Pinterest for our living room.  We recently put our television on a wall mount and found our huge living room a little lacking.  With our white wall only apartment, we've been finding ways to brighten/color the place (red curtains for a huge wall).  One of those brightening methods was this project.

You'll need:
  • blank canvas (WalMart has these flatter canvases that are great for this design.)
  • spray paint (any color you choose)
  • masking tape
Step 1:  Tape the design you'd like.
(My husband is way more artistically inclined than I am)

Step 2:  Spray paint (preferably where you won't soak through onto the cement outside your apartment - WHOOPS!)

Step 3:  Let it dry.  Remove the masking tape.  VIOLA!

I really love this design in our living room!  I also wanted something unique for our bathroom, as well as something I could write our wedding quote on.  I did the side type of method (masking tape, spray paint) for these...

Michaels (ONE of the greatest places on earth) had awesome stencils, and I just used acrylic paint to create the design.  I also used "quilting tape" to create the smaller lines on the smaller canvases.  These thicker canvases came from Michaels, and were 40% off!  SCORE!

Now, for my classroom -- I HAD to create something for our library cards.  OMG -- talk about chaos.  I tried library pockets, wall charts, 3M hooks.  One of my greatest frustrations of the school day was anytime they had to use their library/lunch cards.  All the cards would wind up in the floor, and then they'd be all tangled together.  I'm sure you just feel my frustration as I write.  I just finished up this project today with some cheap, discounted paint from Lowe's, a piece of plywood from my grandpa's, hot glue gun, power drill, ribbon (on sale at WalMart), and little picture hanging hooks.  The stencils were from the same pack as the above quote wall hanging.

We'll see if this saves me from daily frustration.

Happy Project-ing until I return!  Looking forward to things to come (with toilet paper rolls)...

Happy First Post of 2012!

As I reflect on the memories of 2011, I am reminded of how some of the greatest milestones and accomplishments occurred this past year!  From finishing my challenging student teaching experience to graduating my undergraduate journey, and then to marrying the love of my life for the past five years, vacationing out of the U.S. for the first time ever, becoming an elementary teacher, and celebrating the holidays as a married woman!  WHEW!  What a year!

I will admit I wasn't stoked about the beginning of 2012....the reminder of my husband's quickly approaching deployment, as well as our holiday break coming to an end.  I am so grateful we were surrounded by sweet family and friends throughout the holiday, and are still making our "rounds" to see everyone before he leaves.  I know that we will continue to grow stronger, and our love will continue to blossom -- but there are so many challenges to not be overwhelmed with by a deployment.  I have been extremely blessed with sweet friends and family members who are now experiencing deployment -- they have been such an encouragement to me.  My husband is pretty awesome as well -- just supporting, listening, and understanding my sometimes overwhelming emotions.

So, my resolutions for the year....

  1. Appreciate and show that appreciation to my dear family and friends.
  2. Be as supportive and hilarious of a wife possible :)
  3. When emotion, find exercise as my outlet (as I did during bootcamp).
  4. Finish an awesome year with my third graders, and seek out God's guidance in the future year.
  5. Lose 20 pounds by August!
  6. Continue doing crafts, and projects as my little heart so desires! (I HEART PINTEREST.)
  7. Get an awesome tan.
  8. Relearn and begin sewing again
Bring it on 2012 (and deployment, and working out, and weight loss, and projects)!