It's funny how we get so used to and complacent in our daily lives, until changes happen in our lives. Having my husband gone this past week has made me realize and appreciate so much more how life is with a partner to help support, carry the weight, and help you stay afloat in the daily routine of life that can weigh us down. Although I'm so thankful to have the companionship of our sweet puppy, I'm also constantly aware of her needs and what's best for her, when all I really want to do is lie on the couch, or run errands on my time, or not walk out in the rain to take her for a potty break. I have realized lately that complaining only makes us smother ourselves in our own misery, while taking a more positive state of mind and putting our cares in the hands of the One who's in control can help ease our burdens and worries. When I'm shopping about and hear ladies talking about how their husbands don't do this, or he does this and doesn't do it right -- it makes me laugh and smile at the same time (I've been there once or twice in our six months of marriage). I laugh because we all find something to complain about, even if it is our husband helping do the laundry, yet forgetting to fold it just in time for us to get home from work (not naming names - ha) -- when we really should realize the efforts and gifts these efforts are to our daily lives. Missing someone and getting back to being a party of one (even if it's for a short time) reminds me of how we are created to not walk alone, but rather with a partner to help us carry the burdens of this world and remind us to give our burdens to Jesus.

being silly on our honeymoon
I realize too that I'm on the better end of this deal with all the comforts of our home, family surrounding us, and being able to be surrounded in an environment I'm accustomed to. Poor husband is sleeping in room with close to 50 other guys, and sharing a 6 stall bathroom with them as well! Oh, the sacrifices our armed forces make for our freedoms -- whether we realize it or not.
Nutmeg (aka Puddles) is doing well and being super clingy this weekend. She's loved our rainy walks around the neighborhood, and has been doing really great with discipline, even in her papa goose's presence. I'm thinking a fun exploratory walk for her tomorrow (if its not still monsooning) would be great before my work week begins again. Tomorrow will be grading and planning day -- and hopefully more practice driving our new car (the stick shift). I'm really looking forward to the upcoming plans we have coming up -- visiting my sweet college girls (and one of their new additions to the family -- oh, baby love), and seeing one of my best friends who lives more than 6 hours away with her husband now! I'm definitely looking forward to that girl time! I am so thankful for sweet local friends too that are willing to just come over with dinner and hang out with the pup and I, or meeting me up at the gym for a crazy aerobics class.

Speaking of aerobics, the workout plan has begun today -- my legs are already sore from my 40 minute/4 mile elliptical adventure. I'm looking forward to spin class tomorrow -- and then an awesome aerobics class taught by an old totally-in-shape-and-flexible woman on Tuesday! One of my girlfriends has convinced me to do a strength training program at the local YMCA, called ActivTrax, which pretty much sets up a daily workout plan for the strength training you'd like to accomplish in your workout. I'm looking forward to the accountability of it, as well as helping me know what machines/weights to use to tone different areas of my body. I have a feeling THAT will make me a sore lil puppy!
Posts to be looking forward to in the next couple weeks...Recovering a lampshade, Working with the new sewing machine, and Nutmeg and my adventures to see friends!
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