With my husband a day away from being back in my arms, to say I'm excited is an understatement. It is hard to balance the excitement and the anticipation -- not to mention that everyone wants to see him in these two weeks home. I am so excited everyone is excited about seeing him, but I am also thankful that we are being a little selfish and having some time just for us. It is really crazy how sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives, we forget the people around us. There have been many people (whom I love) that said at the beginning of the deployment that they would keep me busy -- but as time went on (and their lives continued as normal), their invites did not arrive. I completely get it, and I love all of them for being so loving and wanting to involve me and "keep me busy", but the reality is -- if you aren't living through this deployment and you're not "on the frontline" of the deployment's crazy roller coaster ride of events and emotions, you tend to forget the spouse is here. I put no guilt or blame on anyone -- but it is a hard thing to balance after 6 months of people keeping to themselves and then coming out with excitement and eagerness to see him when he is home for his two weeks. I am thankful for all the support of all our friends and family -- and just knowing they had my back during this time if I needed it. I know I could've called so many of them (you) and you would've held me up when I was down. I'm looking forward to him being all mine the first few days. :) I'm looking forward to actually having my best friend, in the flesh, back. I'm looking forward to kissing his lips, having a hug, playing with our daughter pup together, making memories, and sharing a meal together. I haven't had a daily hug in over six months, all his knowledge of pup's growth has been via emailed pictures, I am ready to burn calories kissing, and I'm so ready to share my kitchen with my most favorite chef of all. It is crazy to understand and fathom what military spouses go through during deployments (and even harder to fathom what their soldiers go through), but we have earned and deserve our time. So, starting tomorrow through Thursday, I'll have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on my door. Thank you for all your support, and now for your understanding.

We are looking forward to celebrating with his family, my family, and our sweet friends very soon! I think he is most excited about "American" food, time with our little pup, seeing how tall his brothers have grown, swimming with his pup, a golf day with his boys, and spending time with everyone who has supported and loves us. We are looking forward to cooking again together, taking a fun adventure with his brothers, homemade pizza with his mom and family, grilling out with friends, date nights, overnight stay in VA/job interview, pool days, and just being together (and being able to look into each other's eyes, hold hands, kiss, etc, etc, etc, etc. :))
This little pup of a girl is ready to see her daddy!
So happy for you. Enjoy your quality time... it is the most important!
ReplyDeleteThank you, girl!!! We are both so excited and cannot wait to be a lil family again! The pup is super stoked -- been sleeping by the door the past three nights! :) She knows SOMETHING is up!