Thursday, June 28, 2012

I have reached a couple of my workout goals and am so excited to keep pushing forward. I have managed to workout every day of the week, as well as eat healthy!  I even worked out twice yesterday, which makes me thrilled (not to mention, exhausted).  I am learning that really eating to live healthy, rather than just eating to eat (or when I'm bored, or sad, or lonely, or overwhelmed, or thirsty, or mad).  It's also making me realize how important and essential presentation is to food.  Not only does it MAKE me take my time to really make my food look delicious, but it makes me take my time when eating it.  When you eat alone (come on, everyone has eaten alone at least once in their lives), you learn to enjoy and savor the bites.  I've learned to have a book in my car or purse in case I eat out by myself, because it makes me eat slower and not feel like people are staring at my loneliness. :)  Reading with a book also gets me "into" the book, rather than rushing through eating. The only drawback to reading or watching tv while you eat is watching your portions.  I always make a conscious effort to really create my proportions on my plate before I sit down to eat (this eliminates the whole I'll just eat chips out of the bag until I finish this chapter).  Portion control, not giving in to little wants (instead of needs), and working out are essential to making a life change!

Crazy to believe we are almost celebrating the fourth of July!  I was talking with my hairstylist at FRINGE SALON (check them out!) about how weird it is that the 4th is on a Wednesday!  I am so used to associating this holiday with the weekends, that it feels absurd it is on Wednesday.  This is our (hubs and my) third 4th of July without us celebrating together -- but I think this 4th is even more celebratory because we are getting so close to his return.  It is crazy to think I am part of the military family, after growing up in a military town for all my life.  I am so proud of my husband, and all he has done to chase his dreams, accomplish his goals, and provide for us as a little family.

As you celebrate the 4th, keep in mind it is the celebration of the great U.S. of A -- and we would not be the country we are without the faith of our forefathers, the bravery of strong leaders, the sacrifice of courageous soldiers, and the passion of loving citizens.



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