Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Beginning of the End

Hello, long last bloggers!

I have returned from the whirlwind of R&R!  After about a week of traveling, my husband arrived finally, after seven months of deployment.  I was, to say the least, SO overwhelmed with excitement and anxiety -- it is so funny how it feels like another "first impression" after being apart for seven months!  He and I were all smiles, and shared a long embrace and sweet kiss when we finally were in each other's arms.  His first request, of course, was a change of clothes (he had been wearing the same uniform all seven days of travel), keys to the Audi, and Japanese food!  We cruised to Kanki and actually got a grill table with our own personal chef and a table for just the two of us!  It was an awesome "first" date.

Over his two weeks at home, we were pretty busy!  We did our best to try to carve out time for just the two of us, as well as "downtime" to just relax in our home with the pup in between all the hustle and bustle.  While he was home, we...

  • went to the DC area for his job interview.
  • celebrated our anniversary with shopping and Ruth's Chris!

  • spent time with both our families!
  • grilled out with friends at our home (first gathering we've ever had at our home)
  • celebrated his 16 year old brother's birthday!
  • went to WaterCountryUSA with his 16 and 11 year old brothers!
  • took the pup swimming!
  • slid down a gigantic blow-up slide at my little cousins' birthday party :)
  • went to the gun range!
Settling back into having him home was a bit easier than I imagined!  I had nightmares of all his habits driving me batty -- but we ended up just getting back into our "groove" and communicating through it all.  Of course, it did make my OCD tick stronger as I stepped onto the bathroom rug which was soaked after his shower, but it only made me laugh and thank the Lord my husband was back home! :)

All in all, we had an amazing two weeks together -- one that we both definitely needed.  He returned to the "sandbox" fully rejuvenated (well, that is, if you forget the cold I may have accidentally given to him), and ready to take on the next couple months.  I am thrilled we will be reunited soon and cannot wait for that reunion as well! We are looking forward to spending time just the three of us (counting pup) when he comes home for good!  I suppose we are at the beginning of the end of our deployment journey.  It is so hard to believe a year ago we were just finding out about his deployment, in our third week of marriage, and I had just gotten my first teaching job.  I am thankful that the year has gone by as it has, and so thankful for the memories we have made together (and individually).  We have both grown stronger individually, as well as stronger together as a married couple (and team!)!

Updating you soon on my classroom projects!!!!!



1 comment:

  1. Your puppy is so cute one. You are really such a lucky people who have got a this nice and cute puppy. I love this one and effort you have made at here.
