Friday, January 20, 2012

.stuck like glue - you and me, baby, we're stuck like glue.

We are almost through our first week of deployment, and thankfully the first work week!  I'm so happy it is Friday -- not just because the week has seemed long, but also because I'm exhausted (and probably fighting some kind of cold)!  N is doing well at his pre-deployment location, and will be moving on to more training before he crosses the ocean.  We're able to talk with one another whenever throughout the day right now, but that will be changing soon.  I am just so thankful to be married to such an awesome, considerate, and realistic guy!

Nutmeg has been doing pretty well.  She is enjoying taking her daddy's spot in bed, and snuggles with me constantly.  My mom has been checking on her on her lunch break on the days I work -- which is a huge blessing (and makes me not worry about her).  She's laying under my feet right now :)

Don't let that sweet face fool you though - she has gotten herself into some trouble...
Chewing her daddy's PS3 controller's charger wasn't the best idea!

So, I'm thinking I may have to start having theme days for blogging, such as Fabulous Friday.  So, here's the things I'm finding incredibly fabulous in my daily life right now...

...having the greatest puppy in the world to love on,

Fashion Ideas through Pinterest! students!

...awesome shampoo! awesome husband, our love,
and fabulous wedding photography by Dana Laymon Photography.



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